UDK: 616.137.83/87-004.6-007.271-089.843
V. A. Lazarenko, E. A. Bobrovskaya
Курский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра хирургических болезней ФПО
The features of microcirculation in patients with atherosclerosis obliterans having lesions in the femoral-popliteal segment before and after reconstructive surgery were explored. We revealed a decrease in microcirculation, changes in the active modulation mechanisms of blood flow, impaired microvascular reactivity during the occlusion test.
microcirculation, arteriosclerosis obliterans, femoral-popliteal bypass, Laser Doppler Flowmetry.
Бобровская Елена Анатольевна — к. м. н., доцент кафедры хирургических болезней ФПО, Курский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: eabobrovskaya@ yandex.ru