UDK: 616.716.4-007.274-08
A. K. Iordanishvili1 , L. N. Soldatova2
1Северо-западный государственный медицинский университет им. И. И. Мечникова, Санкт-Петербург, 2Лечебно-профилактический городской центр «Альфа-Дент», Санкт-Петербург
We examined dentoalveolar anomalies in 3200 male students (aged 17—25) applying for admission to military schools. We established that 64,3 % of the males had various dentoalveolar anomalies including distal occlusion (22,4 %), mesial occlusion (4,4 %), deep bite (7,1 %), cross bite (6,1 %), open bite (7,8 %). Misaligned and crowded teeth (10,3 %) as well as diastema (6,2 %) were reported to be the most common dental anomalies. The article highlights that 112 (5,4 %) males with any kind of dentoalveolar anomaly are currently receiving orthodontic treatment using an edgewise-based bracket system. The article focuses on the need for a more comprehensive approach to dental examination of the students applying for admission to military schools by medical and physical evaluation boards. It also discusses the problems of providing orthodontic treatment to those already admitted to military schools. We conclude that a more comprehensive approach to dental examination of students applying for admission to military schools will help reduce the number of males with dentoalveolar anomalies.
dentoalveolar anomalies, students applying for admission, military schools, young men, dental health, recruits, the need for orthodontic care, orthodontic treatment.
Солдатова Людмила Николаевна — к. м. н., главный врач Лечебно-профилактического городского центра «Альфа-Дент», Санкт-Петербург, e-mail: slnzub@gmail.com