UDK: 61:311
A. G. Beburishvili, E. N. Zubina, Y. I. Vedenin, O. S. Oleynik
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Клиника факультетской хирургии, Лаборатория хирургической гепатологии ВМНЦ
For the period from 2010 to 2015 a retrospective analysis of medical records of patients with the obstructive jaundice of benign and tumor etiology who were treated in surgical departments of hospitals of Volgograd. A clinical-epidemiological analysis has allowed to define the nosological structure of obstructive jaundice in the Volgograd region at the moment.Diseases of organs of hepatopancreatobiliary zone, complicated by the development of obstructive cholestasis, often affecting women, predominantly of retirement age. Among the etiological factors in the development of obstructive jaundice, the proportion of neoplastic diseases. The main reason for benign obstructive jaundice remains choledocholithiasis, rarely combined with calculous cholecystitis and/or stenosis of major duodenal papilla. In the period 2010—2015 in the Volgograd region there is an increase in the number of patients with obstructive jaundice 54,7 %, which led to the increase in operational activity in the treatment of patients with obstructive jaundice from 71,8 % in 2010 to 93,6 % in 2015. Range of surgical interventions in patients with obstructive jaundice currently have changed, however, the number of performed minimal invasive decompression interventions and radical resections is not enough.
obstructive jaundice, obstruction of the bile duct, the nosological structure.
Веденин Юрий Игоревич — к. м. н., ассистент кафедры факультетской хирургии с курсом эндоскопии ФУВ и с курсом сердечно-сосудистой хирургии ФУВ, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, врач- хирург Клиники № 1 ВолгГМУ; e-mail: vedenin82@mail