UDK: 616.735.8.002
A. A. Sletov2, A. V. Zhidovinov1, R. A. Mozheiko2, M. V. Loktionova2, T. M. Supanov2
1Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, 2 Ставропольская краевая клиническая больница
The article presents a comparative analysis of the results of the visual methods of diagnostics of drug-induced osteonecrosis and aseptic osteomyelitis of jaw bones. The diagnostic information value of endovascular angiography as the most objective test as compared to other existing diagnostic tools has been confirmed. The comparison of rheological and morphological indicators in the lesions has proved high efficiency of the endovascular method of diagnosis. The obtained results of treatment of drug-induced aseptic osteonecrosis and osteomyelitis suggest that this diagnostic test is the most objective tool, they help to justify the choice of the most rational method of surgical intervention, predict its results, and optimize rehabilitation terms.
endovascular angiography, pharmacological effects, and diagnostic efficiency.
Слетов Александр Анатольевич — д. м. н., доцент кафедры челюстно-лицевой хирургии и хирургической стоматологии СтГМУ, Ставропольская краевая клиническая больница, e-mail: ddt111@yandex.ru