UDK: 616-005.4
1Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра патологической анатомии, кафедра фармакологии и биофармации ФУВ, 2Волгоградский медицинский научный центр, лаборатория морфологии, иммуногистохимии и канцерогенеза
The results of a qualitative and quantitative analysis of serine racemase expression in the hippocampus of rats in chronic cerebral blood-flow disorders modeled by hypergravity in the caudo-cranial vector are presented in this article. A significant increase in the number of defective neurons showing the signs of damage, a decline in the relative density of pyramidal cells in all zones of the hippocampus combined with expressed pericellular and perivasculare dema were revealed. The immunohistochemical study demonstrated intensified serine racemase expression in CA1 as well as translocation of immunoreactive material to the dendrites of pyramidal neurons. The tendency to a decrease in serine racemase expression in CA3 and CA4 was registered.
hippocampus, rat, gravitational effects, serine racemase.
Медников Дмитрий Сергеевич — аспирант кафедры патологической анатомии, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: mednikov1988@gmail.com