UDK: 616.379-008.64+616.314.16]618.2/.3
Ye. I. Alexandrov
Донецкий национальный медицинский университет им. М. Горького
A number of current studies demonstrated a regular correlation between diabetes and pathogenesis of periodontal diseases. Diabetes mellitus was shown to cause significant vascular disorders, metabolic and immune disorders which complicates pregnancy and significantly impairs dental and periodontal health. However, to date there has been little research into the pathogenic influence of the oral cavity microflora on the causes of pathogenesis of periodontal diseases in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus is. Developing new methods of scientific and practical importance for the prevention and treatment of these dental diseases in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus is one of the trends in modern dentistry.
pregnant women, diabetes mellitus, periodontal diseases, oral cavity microflora.
Александров Евгений Иванович — к. м. н., ассистент кафедры общей стоматологии факультета интернатуры и последипломного образования, Донецкий национальный медицинский университет им. М. Горького, e-mail: Alexandrov.Evgeny7@yandex.ru