Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 577.4:614.776:615.917

Environmental toxicological assessment of soil contamination hazard by organophorous chemical agent

A.A. Maslennikov, S.A. Demidova

Волгоградский научно-исследовательский институт гигиены, токсикологии и профпатологии


In the course of experimental substantiation of hygienic safety standard for sarin in soil, threshold and sub-threshold concentrations of substance were established. These concentrations were determined by: (1) general sanitary nuisance factor, (2) translocation nuisance factor, (3) water migration nuisance factor, and (4) air migration nuisance factor. Maximum permissible concentration (MAC) for sarin in soil was justified by air migration factor; it equals 2,0•10-4 mg/kg.


sarin, soil, microbocenosis, subthreshold level


Масленников Александр Александрович – д.б.н., зав. лабораторией экологической токсикологии ФГУП «НИИГТП» ФМБА России,