UDK: 617.7-007.681
V. E. Piskun, A. S. Vydrov
Амурская государственная медицинская академия
The article analyzes the dynamics of critical phosphene fusion frequency in the combined treatment of glaucomatous opticopathy, including transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the optic nerve with ESOM apparatus and Semax 0.1%, an intranasal nootropic agent. The suggested method has proven its efficacy in the treatment of glaucomatous opticopathy.
glaucomatous opticopathy, neuroprotection, neuroelectrostimulation, critical phosphene fusion frequency .
Пискун Виктория Евгеньевна – аспирант кафедры оториноларингологии и офтальмологии, Амурская государственная медицинская академия, e-mail: viktoriya1991piskun@gmail.com