UDK: 616.71-001.5:617.582
N.N. Mikhailov, A.A. Arapov
Астраханская государственная медицинская академия
We studied the localization and peculiarities of cervical-diaphysial fractures in patients aged 40–90. Measurements of cervical-diaphysial angle and diameter of neck and head of the femoral bone were made. Two age peaks of fracture occurence in men and one peak in women were established. A tendency of decreasing of cericaldiaphysial angle and diameter of femoral bone neck as the person gets older was noted.
fractures, femoral bone, neck, diaphysis, age
Михайлов Николай Николаевич – Врач травматолог-ортопед, зав.ортопедическим отделением ГУЩ АМОКБ №1, (8512) 28-16-27