UDK: 543.544+543.42:615.15
A. L. Khokhlov1, Y. A. Dzhurko2, V. Kubes2, L. N. Shitov1,2, I. I. Yaichkov1, A. M. Shitova2
1Ярославский государственный медицинский университет, 2Квинта-Аналитика, Ярославль
We developed a rapid and sensitive method for quantifying plasma concentrations of methyldopa using HPLC-MS/MS. The range of concentration measurements was 0,02–3,00 g/ml. The method was applied for pharmacokinetic study of methyldopa tablet formulations.
methyldopa, HPLC-MS/MS, plasma, stabilization, pharmacokinetics.
Яичков Илья Игоревич – аспирант кафедры фармацевтической и токсикологической химии, Ярославский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: ilya_1993_08@mail.ru