UDK: 616–05331–092.4:4:546.46.
A. A. Spasov1, L. I. Bugaeva1, S. A. Lebedev2, T. M. Korzhova2, A. Y. Getmanenko2
1Волгоградский медицинский научный центр, 2НИИ фармакологии ВолгГМУ
The article describes the results of the effects of experimental hypomagnesaemia induced by the intake of a magnesium salt-deficient diet for two months on the general condition of lactating female rats and survival of their offspring. We found that magnesium deficiency leads to a deterioration of the general condition of the female rats and reduces their body mass during pregnancy and lactation. Observational studies of the offspring allowed us to identify an insufficient increase of body weight in rats born from mothers with hypomagnesaemia and high death rates in newborn rats within the first two months after birth.
magnesium deficiency, magnesium imbalance, magnesium salt-deficient diet, female rats, lactation, newborn rats, physical development of the offspring.
Лебедева Светлана Александровна – к. б. н., старший научный сотрудник лаборатории синтеза противовирусных средств НИИ фармакологии ВолгГМУ, н. с. ГБУ «ВМНЦ», e-mail: lebedeva.farm@mail.ru