UDK: 618:613.88
V. B. Filimonov1,2, S. M. Semjatov2, R. V. Vasin1,2, I. V. Vasina2
1Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Рязанский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И. П. Павлова» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, 2Федеpальнoе гocудаpcтвеннoе автoнoмнoе oб
This article describes the influence of vaginal operations on the elimination of PG on the sexual function of patients. In women with genital prolapse, low rates of the index of female sexual function were noted. In the long-term postoperative period, there was a significant improvement in all indicators of the female sexual function index (FSFI), except for orgasm and dyspareunia (p 0,05), in comparison with similar indicators before the operation. Vaginal operations with prolapse of genitals using polypropylene nets and without them improve sexual function. The overall score of the index of sexual function is significantly increased in patients who underwent correction of genital prolapse with an ultralight and light implant from 15,8 ± 5,3 to 25,2 ± 4,2 and from 15,5 ± 5 to 21,4 ± 6,0, respectively in patients with the use of their own tissues – from 16,1 ± 6,7 to 21,7 ± 8,5.
genital prolapse, pelvic prolapse, sexual function, vaginal mesh, dyspareunia, vaginal surgery.
Васин Роман Викторович – к. м. н., доцент кафедры урологии, онкологии и радиологии ФПК МР, Медицинский институт РУДН, e-mail: www.rw@mail.ru