UDK: 616.728.38-089.844
D.A. Shulepov, M.R. Salihov, I.A. Kuznecov, O.V. Zlobin
ФГБУ «РНИИТО им. Р. Р. Вредена» Минздрава России
Based on the information obtained in the anatomical study, were developed the criteria for selecting the allograft, taking into account its dimensional and strength characteristics. Based on these criteria, the most suitable tednon graft for plasty was chosen, and its mechanical strength was examined on a tensile machine. Various species of tendons, sterilized in the liquid medium of Belyakov, were investigated. The strength properties of the allograft were compared with the similar characteristics of native PCL obtained at the same stage of the study. It was revealed that the optimal length and strength characteristics are the tendon of the long fibular muscle, which allows recommending it for alloplasty of the posterior cruciate ligament.
arthroscopy, allograft, PCL plasty.
Шулепов Дмитрий Александрович – к. м. н., лаборант-исследователь отделения спортивной травматоло- гии и реабилитации Российского научно-исследовательского института травматологии и ортопедии им. Р.Р. Вредена, shulepov@front.ru.