UDK: 616:433:57.044
L.V. Savchenkova, M.N. Saidova, I.P. Jabarov, N.S. Sanginova
Таджикский национальный университет, г. Душанбе, Республика Таджикистан
The analysis of consumption of antimicrobial drugs of different classes in a multidisciplinary hospital for 5 years, showed that during this period is almost completely changed approaches to starting empirical antibiotic therapy of diseases, with a clear tendency to reduce the consumption of antimicrobial drugs penicillin and the transition to monotherapy cephalosporins 3rd generation (ceftriaxone ) and partly fluoroquinolones. Comparative analysis of the financial costs and consumption of antimicrobial drugs for the period showed that the increase in the cost of the ILA cephalosporin accompanied by a corresponding increase in the consumption of drugs of this group. However, the discrepancy of cash costs of antimicrobials drugs of penicillin group, which came into the class B and in their level of consumption. Monitoring consumption of antimicrobials drugs in hospital wards will allow to take strategic decisions to optimize antibiotic therapy, align the number and range of antibiotics applied to the profile of the hospital departments, as well as the planning of the distribution of costs under «Medicines».
antibiotics, hospital, pharmacoepidemiology.
Савченкова Лариса Васильевна – д. м. н., профессор, зав. кафедрой фармации, Таджикский национальный университет, Республика Таджикистан, г. Душанбе, e-mail: slv.05@mail.ru