UDK: 616.12-008.9:546.73
T.P. Sataieva, I.V. Zadnipryany, O.S. Tretiakova
Медицинская академия имени С.И. Георгиевского ФГАОУ ВО «Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского»
Preservation and maintenance of the energy function of the heart is one of the central tasks of modern cardiology. The study was carried out on 25 mature male Wistar rats weighing 220–310 g. To obtain a toxic solution, the salt of cobalt chloride was dissolved in sterile distilled water in such a way that 0,8 mg of cobalt was concentrated in 0,2 ml of solution. The study showed that changes in the myocardium of experimental rats developed which could be attributed to varieties of toxic cardiomyopathy according to morpho-functional manifestations. Typical changes in the myocardium after the introduction of cobalt chloride were manifested in the following: a) a progressive decrease in the proportion of intact cardiomyocytes; b) lysis of mitochondrial cristae and contractural changes in the contractile apparatus; c) the growth of stromal proliferation and lymphocytic infiltration, affecting the muscle fibers with subsequent collagenogenesis.
hypoxia, myocardium, rats, cobalt chloride, mitochondria, dehydrogenase.
Заднипряный Игорь Владимирович – д. м. н., проф., зав. каф. топографической анатомии и оперативной хирургии Медицинской академии имени С.И. Георгиевского ФГАОУВО «КФУ имени В.И. Вернадского»; e-mail: zadnipryany@gmail.com