UDK: 6.61.616.616-07.616-076
H.A. Avanesyan, M.V. Berlaj, A.V. Kopylov, S.M. Karpov
Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра судебной медицины и права с курсом ДПО
The analysis and possible risk factors of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) were analyzed to develop possible prevention options. Risk factors that contribute to the formation of SIDS are noted. These factors for the prevalence of the syndrome become the dominant features, the importance of which should be taken into account in the evaluation and analysis of medical documentation by the pathologist.The dominant place in the diagnostic search for SIDS can be assigned exclusively to the morphological structure of internal organs and their condition at the time of the forensic pathoanatomical examination.
sudden infant death syndrome, risk factors, morphology, forensic medicine.
Копылов Анатолий Васильевич – к. м. н., зав. кафедрой судебной медицины и права с курсом ДПО, e-mail: chijgay@yandex.ru