Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 616.711-007.55-053.2-617.586-091.092

Evaluation of morphofunctional state of feet in scoliotic children

Gavrikov K.V., Perepelkin A.I., Krayushkin A.I., Kaluzhsky S.I., Babaytzeva N.S.

Кафедра нормальной физиологии, кафедра анатомии человека ВолГМУ


The new technology for investigation of morphological and functional states of the foot was usied. The computeraided system for investigation of longitudinal and transverse foot arch was elaborated. The complex consists of a special scanner and a program for receiving a foot image as wellas analysis and distribution of diagnostic data. 136 school children with scoliosis were observed using this technology.



Перепелкин Андрей Иванович – к.м.н., заведующий детским отделением ГУЗ «Волгоградская областная клиническая больница №1», главный детский ортопед Комитета по Здравоохранению Администрации Волгоградской области –