UDK: 616.36–002–085.244:578.891
M. V. Abramova, P. A. Bakumov, V. E. Verovsky
Кафедра общей врачебной практики и профессиональных заболеваний ВолГМУ, МУЗ "Городская клиническая больница № 25"
In this study we analyzed the CVH infection epidemiology and efficacy of CVH therapy with "Peginterferon-Alpha 2a" and "Ribavirin". "Pegasys" and "Ribavirin" therapy was more effective than "Roferon" and "Ribavirin" therapy in patients with CHV type 1 in our region. Predictors of efficacy endpoint (CVH RNA reduction) were determined partially.
antiviral therapy, chronic viral hepatitis type C
Абрамова Марина Владимировна – к.м.н., врач-ординатор отделения гастроэнтерологии МУЗ ГКБ №25, msalut@vistcom.ru