UDK: 617.753.2
L.P. Trufanova, S.V. Balalin
Волгоградский филиал ФГАУ НМИЦ МНТК «Микрохирургия глаза им. акад. С.Н. Федорова» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации
There was performed a study of 36 patients with myopia after scleroplasty (36 eyes). The patients’ age is from 5 to 17 years old, average age is (13,4 ± 2,5) years. The combination of accommodation weakness, constantly redundant tension of accommodation (CRTA) and intraocular pressure values in the range of 18 to 23 mm Hg indicates the presence of ophthalmichypertensive syndrome of overstretching accommodation and the progression of myopia. The use of 0,005 % solution of Latanoprost (Prolatan) in the complex treatment of patients with myopia leads to normalization of intraocular pressure, increase of corneal hysteresis and rigidity index of corneoscleral tunic, as well as increase in the coefficient of accommodative response and decrease in the coefficient of the ciliary body microfluctuations.
myopia, accommodation weakness, CRTA, intraocular pressure, Latanoprost.
Труфанова Лариса Петровна – врач офтальмолог офтальмологического детского отделения Волгоградского филиала ФГАУ «НМИЦ «МНТК «Микрохирургия глаза» им. акад. С.Н. Федорова» Минздрава России, e-mail: tlp0105@mail.ru