Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 617.721.5


A.L. Kucalo, M.V. Cimbal, N.V. SHtejnberg, D.S. Homich, M.G. Varenikov, V.V. Volkov

ФГУП «НИИ гигиены, профпатологии и экологии человека» ФМБА России


Peculiarities of pupil response parameters deviation among patients with age-related cataract and among patients with diabetic cataract and among patients with type II diabetes, which is complicated by autonomic neuropathy, are noted. A certified digital automated binocular pupillometric complex of KSRPRd (complex screening registration of simultaneous binocular pupillary response to a light stimulus digital to assess the functional state of the body) was used for estimation pupillary reaction, which makes it possible to carry out dynamic pupillometry. Based on the results of pupillometry among patients with age-related cataracts, a expressed weakening of the pupillary response on the light stimulus was noted: low rates of pupil contraction and dilatation, pupil contraction amplitude, latency time of pupillary reaction start-up, with pupil diameter, contraction time, and expansion time corresponding to age indices. Among patients with diabetic cataracts decrease of the pupil diameter, increase of the latency period, narrowing speed reduction and pupil dilatation speed, and the amplitude of pupillary narrowing were noted. The pupillary response to the light stimulus is significantly weakened. The weakening of the pupil response to light and the reduction in the amplitude-velocity characteristics of the pupillometry among patients with age-related cataracts can be attributed to a violation of the passage of a light stimulus due to clouding of the lens. The revealed deviations require further study. Shifts of these parameters of pupillometry in diabetic cataracts which is complicated by autonomic neuropathy are connected not only due to metabolic disorders which are associated with insulin deficiency and the violation of carbohydrate metabolism causing clouding of the lens, but also with the defeat of efferent parasympathetic and sympathetic pathways leading to dysfunction of the pupil sphincter and its narrowing.


cataract, dynamic binocular pupillometry, parameters of the pupillary reaction.


Куцало Анатолий Леонидович – к. м. н., заведующий лабораторией автоматизации массовых медицинских обследований ФГУП «НИИ ГПЭЧ» ФМБА России, е-mail: