UDK: 615.9:616-7
L.N. Grushevskaya, M.S. Sergeeva, L.M. Gaevaya, M.E. Dudenkova, E.D. Denisenko, N.I. Avdyunina, S.V. Minaev, N.M. Sazonova
ФГБНУ «НИИ фармакологии имени В.В. Закусова» РАМН
The study is devoted to the development of related substances determination technique in the original dipeptide,which is fourth loop of nerve growth factor mimetic – GK-2, and was carried out using methods of thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography with spectrophotometric detection (HPLC and TLC). The technique for determining of the related impurities content includes two stages: analysis by thin-layer chromatography and analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography. The developed technique allows detecting impurities in the substance in the content of 0,1 % and more.
GK-2, substance, analysis, related substances, foreign substances, technique, high-performance liquid chromatography, thin-layer chromatography.
Грушевская Любовь Николаевна – д. ф. н., в. н. с., опытно-технологического отдела ФГБНУ «НИИ фармакологии имени В.В. Закусова», e-mail: otopharm@mail.ru