UDK: 613.63-613.15- 662.1.4
N.V. Krylova, N.G. Britanov, V.V. Klauchek, N.G. Sazonova, M.M. Tobol skaya-Pospelova, O.V. Gerbovnik-Busova
ФГУП «Научно-исследовательский институт гигиены, токсикологии и профпатологии» ФМБА России
During the operation of enterprises for the production of energy-intensive materials, hazardous chemicals can be released into the production and environment, where they can have a negative impact on the health of the personnel of the enterprise and residents of nearby communities. Nitroglycerin, ammonium perchlorate, aluminum and trinitrotoluene make the most significant contribution to the pollution of the working environment. In the atmospheric air of the territory adjacent to the object under study, in different years, excess of the maximum single concentrations of ammonium perchlorate and aluminum oxide were recorded.
production of energy-intensive materials, the state of the production environment, state of the environment.
Крылова Наталья Валерьевна – к. б. н., ведущий научный сотрудник ФГУП «НИИ ГТП» ФМБА России, e-mail: Krilova@rihtop.ru