UDK: 577.25
L.R. Zakirova1, M.Yu. Skorkina1, N.I. Zhernakova1, E.A. Shentseva1, S.S. Belyaeva2
1ФГАО ВО «Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет», Медицинский институт, кафедра биохимии; 2ОГБУЗ «Белгородская областная клиническая больница им. Св. Иоасафа», гематологическое отделение
In the research the effect of beta-adrenergic agonists (adrenaline) and antagonists (obsidanum) on structure and resilientelastic properties of lymphocytes from donors and patients with chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) is studied. The method of atomic force microscopy is proved the difference in structure and properties of a cellular surface of lymphocytes of donors and patients with a chronic lymphatic leukemia. So, under the effect of adrenaline it is revealed the roughness of donor’s lymphocyte membrane which was followed by increasing in number of globular protrusions of 27,7 % (р < 0,05) in comparison with reference group. In group of patients with CLL the surface was smoothed, the number of globular structures decreased of 79,2 % (р < 0,05) in comparison with reference group. In the performed research the unidirectional changes of resilient-elastic properties of a surface as in group of healthy donors, so as in patients with CLL are proved. Under the effect of obsidanum the depth of a cantilever immersion increases and Jung's module of a cellular membrane decreases in comparison with effect of adrenaline. The revealed effects of beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists at the cellular level are important for understanding the pathogenesis of the functional states which are followed by change of micro rheological properties of blood.
adrenaline, obsidanum, lymphocytes, chronic lymphoblastic leukemia, atomic force microscopy, resilient-elastic properties.
Скоркина Марина Юрьевна – д. б. н., доцент, зав. кафедрой биохимии, Медицинский институт, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет; e-mail: skorkina@bsu.edu.ru