UDK: 616.419
N.Yu. Otto , G.R. Sagitova , M.Ya. Ledyaev , M.N. Aresheva2, I.V. Vyazovaya , N.T. Dadaeva , M.M. Magomedzaidova , D.A. Maremshaova
¹ФГБОУ ВО «Астраханский государственный медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации; 2ГБУЗ АО «ОДКБ им. Н.Н. Силищевой», Астрахань; ³ФГБОУ ВО «Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранен
The article presents the material of analysis of medical documents, which allows to establish that the manifestations of leukemia in the Astrakhan region over the past three decades have changed. Differences and similarity in the clinic of the disease in comparison with other regions are established. So, every third patient has recurrent infection of geopgraphy, more than 25 % have minor anomalies of heart development (MAHD) (t = 3,3), all children in the debut of anemia (100 %), blasts in the peripheral blood of only 28 %. B2 (common) is more common in children in the Astrakhan region (AO) (62,5 %), and B2/B3 in 20,8 % and more often in the group of 2–6 years (t = 2,6; p < 0,05), the predominance of the marker CD33+.
leukemia, children, structure, the characteristics of the manifestation, background.
Отто Наталья Юрьевна – к. м. н., ассистент кафедры госпитальной педиатрии с курсом последипломного образования, Астраханский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: agma@astranet.ru