Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 613.31


A.V. Ivaschenko, A.E. Yablokov, V.D. Arkhipov, I.M. Fedyaev, V.Ya. Arkhipov, V.P. Tlustenko

ФГБОУ ВО «Самарский государственный медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации


Relevance. Currently, the work of the dentist is aimed primarily at preserving the tooth as an organ. Conducting various tooth-saving operations contributes to the achievement of this task. One of the varieties of these operations is the tooth replantation [5, 6]. Indications for replantation have a wide range, namely: impassable, pathologically curved root canals of the tooth, as well as the previously treated resorcin-formalin method; the impossibility of resection of the root due to the close-lying maxillary sinus, the inferior well of the lunar nerve, etc. [7]. However, to date, replantation has not been widely used in the outpatient practice of a dentist-surgeon [1]. This is partly due to the insignificant number of scientific publications on this topic about the positive/negative outcomes of the operation and, as a result, the apprehension and wariness of using this method. Purpose. Analyze the effectiveness of orthopedic rehabilitation of patients after the replantation of teeth using the author's method. Methods. Dissection of the tooth is carried out outside the oral cavity, while the gingival ledge is lowered by 0,5 mm from the level of the clinical neck of the tooth towards the root of the tooth and a provisional crown is made with its subsequent fixation on the tooth also outside the oral cavity. Conclusion. In the article, the authors present a clinical example of extraoral dental odontopreparation and the manufacture of a provisional crown based on a replantable tooth. The presented author's algorithm allows you to create a tooth stump with a predetermined angle of convergence of the vertical walls and the formation of a ledge of the same width and a given shape along the perimeter of the clinical neck of the replantable tooth and simulate the natural anatomical gingival margin in the clinical neck of the tooth.


replantation, odontopreparation, intraoral odontopreparation.


Иващенко Александр Валериевич – д. м. н., доцент кафедры ортопедической стоматологии, Самарский государственный медицинский университет, директор ООО «Инновационный стоматологи- ческий центр», e-mail: