UDK: 618.14-006.36
A.D. Deli2, A.E. Kasparov1,2, I.A. Vishnyakova2, N.E. Shukurova2
1БУ ВО ХМАО-Югры «Сургутский государственный университет»; 2БУ ХМАО-Югры «Сургутская окружная клиническая больница»
Introduction. Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumor of the female genital organs. Assistance with uterine myoma is regulated by modern protocols. Material and methods. The article deals with a clinical case of a combination of giant uterine fibroids, complicated by severe post-hemorrhagic anemia, and the presence of bilateral tubovarial formations. Results. In the proposed material, the authors raise the question – why in the conditions of the introduction of a personalized approach to the patient and the desire to prevent diseases, the patient goes to hospital treatment in serious condition. Findings. With timely treatment of a woman for medical help and her qualitative medical examination, the formation of a combined pathology, each of which threatened a woman’s life (uterine fibroids of gigantic size, severe anemia, tubovarian formations on both sides) was not possible, and a radical amount of medical intervention could be avoided.
5P medicine, uterine myoma, fast growth, anemia, abnormal uterine bleeding, tubovarial formation.
Вишнякова Инга Анатольевна – зав. гинекологическим отделением БУ«Сургутская окружная клиническая больница», е-mail: Vishnyakova IA@surgutokb.ru