UDK: 612.172.4
N.A. Vishnyakova
ГБУЗ МО «Мытищинская городская клиническая больница», поликлиника № 2
Atrial Fibrillation is a complex and dangerous disease. Methods of remote electrocardiography for examination of patients were used in outpatient units with different territorial remoteness of two medical institutions. ECG records on the Internet were sent to the cloud storage, where it was sent to the personal office of the doctor of functional diagnostics to control the automatic conclusion of the devices. Medical ECG reports were returned to the device to the doctor/paramedic for future work with the patient. Atrial Fibrillation was detected in 137 patients: in 40 cases (29,1 %) for the first time in life. A high risk of brain complications (2 or more points) was installed in 114 people (83,2 %) according to the CHA2DS2-VASc. The standard of treatment was not met by all patients. Electrocardiography with remote transmission revealed arrhythmia at the level of the doctor «first contact». Electrocardiography with remote transmission showed arrhythmia at the level of the doctor «first contact».
atrial fibrillation, remote single – channel electrocardiography, remote ECG-12, outpatient units, primary health care.
Вишнякова Нелли Анатольевна – к. м. н., зав. поликлиникой № 2, Мытищинская городская клиническая больница, e-mail: Nelli.vishnyakova.76@mail.ru