UDK: 616-073.75:616-053.1:616.8-617.5-006.6
E. A. Shevchenko
The article represents an analysis of thirty three cases of inborn heart diseases (IHD) of foetus with chromosome pathology diagnosed at 12,2 – 14,2 weeks of pregnancy. The spectrum of diagnosed IHD included defect of inter-ventricular partition, heart ectopy, atrioventricular canal, general arterial trunk, hypoplastic syndrome of the left sections of heart, atresia of tricus-pidal valve, Phallo tetrade, aorta coarctation, heart calcification. The indi-cations for sending patients to consultative investigation was revealing of markers of chromosome anomalies or/and combined foetal malformations during screening investigation which were considered as indications for the transva-ginal echocardiography of foetus. Thus 3/4D methods of transvaginal echocar-diography of foetus provide early prenatal diagnostics of IHD.
Cystic hygroma of the neck, inborn heart diseases, chromosome pathology, transvaginal echocardiography,early prenatal diagnostics.
Сибирское отделение Российской Академии медицинских наук ГУ НИИ медицинских проблем Севера; Муниципальное учреждение здравоохранения «Родильный дом №5», г. Красноярск