UDK: 616.62-089+616.643-089.85
A.A. Polyantsev , A.A. Kuznetsov , N.A. Goncharov , A.A. Kiseleva , E.A. Morozov
¹ФГБОУ ВО «Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, кафедра общей хирургии с урологией; ²ГБУЗ «Волгоградская областная клиническая больница № 1», отделение урологии
The retrospective analysis of results of urethral strictural disease surgical treatment cases (according to the materials of the urological department of the «Volgograd Regional Clinical Hospital № 1» for 2015–2020) was provided. The research included 168 surgical treatment cases of urethral strictures of different localization, longitude and etiology. The patients were operated using different surgical technics. Comparative analysis of results of surgical treatment in patients with urethral strictures was provided. The research evaluates the efficacy of used methods: internal optical urethrotomy, anastomotic plastics «edge to edge», buccal urethroplastics, urethral plastics without spongious body incisoin. It was found out that now-a-days the most prognostically favourable methods in urethral stictural disease surgical treatment are the buccal plastics and «edge to edge». Otherwise, due to few observed cases, the plastics without spongious body incision demands more detailed and thorough analysis for verifying it’s comparative efficacy.
urethral stricture, internal optical urethrotomy, anastomotic plastics «edge to edge», buccal urethroplastics, urethral plastics without spongious body incision.
Полянцев Александр Александрович – д. м. н., профессор, зав. кафедрой общей хирургии с урологией, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: a.polyantsev@yandex.ru