UDK: 615.825.1:616.12-008.16-092.9
P. A. Khloponin, D. P. Khloponin, Y. N. Kr
Ростовский государственный медицинский университет
Prolonged injection of antracycline antibiotic adriamycin induces a significant cardiotoxic reaction followed by development of typical signs of regenerative and plastic heart failure in white rats. In this heart failure model highly selective 1-blocker nebivolol demonstrates an obvious cardioprotective effect, confirmed by an essential reduction in cell death rate (mainly by apoptosis), delayed activation of intracellular regeneration in most cardiac myocytes, structural stabilization of histohaematic barrier elements and reduction of intracellular and especially interstitial edema.
nebivolol, beta-blocker, cardioprotection, adriamycin, heart failure, apoptosis