UDK: 618.3-06:616.379-008.61]-097+616.314.17-008.1
Ye.I. Alexandrov
Донецкий национальный медицинский университет имени М. Горького, кафедра стоматологии факультета интернатуры и последипломного образования
90 pregnant women with inflammatory periodontal diseases, aged 27 to 35 years were examined. The main group consisted of 60 pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus and the control one consisted of 30 patients with physiological pregnancy. All patients were examined before providing treatment and preventive measures at 14–15 weeks of pregnancy and after them at 37–38 weeks. Studies have shown deterioration in periodontal health, oral hygiene and increase in contamination of the oral cavity in patients of the main group as compared with patients of the control group. The use of the anti-inflammatory succinic acid based preparation is effective for inflammatory periodontal diseases in pregnant women with gestational diabetes. The improvement of periodontal tissues health was confirmed by the posttreatment indices of hygiene, immunoglobulins, microbiocenosis and periodontal indices that promote normalization of the oral cavity.
pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, periodontal diseases.
Александров Евгений Иванович – к. м. н., докторант кафедры стоматологии факультета интернатуры и последипломного образования, Донецкий национальный медицинский университет имени М. Горького, e-mail alexandrov.evgeny7@yandex.ru