UDK: 618.3-06:618.11-089:616.151-085
D.V. Demina, V.V. Vustenko
ГБО ВПО «Донецкий национальный медицинский университет имени М. Горького», Республиканский центр охраны материнства и детства МЗ ДНР, г. Донецк
According to the literature, women with a history of ovarian surgery have reproductive health problems not only during the planning stage of pregnancy, but also during the gestational period. The aim of the study was to reduce the frequency of obstetric complications in pregnant women with operated ovaries with hyperhomocysteinemia by developing a scheme of therapeutic and preventive measures. The study included 117 pregnant women with surgical interventions for benign ovarian tumors/ovarian tumors in the presence of hyperhomocysteinemia, of which 60-the developed scheme was used (group E1) and 57-observations and treatment were carried out according to the orders of the Ministry of health of Ukraine and the Ministry of health of the DPR (group E2). The control group (group K) consisted of 30 conditionally healthy pregnant women. The analysis of the obtained results showed the effectiveness of the proposed complex of therapeutic and preventive measures in pregnant women with operated ovaries with hyperhomocysteinemia.
operated ovaries, preventive measures, obstetric complications, hyperhomocysteinemia.
Демина Диана Владимировна – врач акушер-гинеколог Республиканского центра охраны материнства и детства МЗ ДНР, e-mail: dr.deminadv@mail.ru