UDK: 616.12-008.46:616.152.72
M.P. Smirnova1, P.A. Chizhov1, A.A. Baranov2, Y.I. Ivanova1
ФГБОУ ВО «Ярославский государственный медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, 1кафедра факультетской терапии; 2кафедра поликлинической терапии, клинической лабораторной диагностики и медицинской биохимии
The clinical significance of iron deficiency in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction is not well understood. 158 patients with chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction were examined. The clinical manifestations of heart failure, the level of NT-proBNP, iron, ferritin, transferrin, were studied in all patients, echocardiography was performed in one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and Doppler modes (pulse-wave, constant-wave, and tissue) in standard positions according to the generally accepted technique. It has been established that iron deficiency in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction worsens the indices of central hemodynamics and promotes an increase in the clinical manifestations of heart failure, especially in the development of anemia.
heart failure, iron deficiency, preserved ejection fraction.
Смирнова Марина Петровна – к. м. н., доцент кафедры факультетской терапии, Ярославский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: msm76-743@yandex.ru