UDK: 617.75:535.316/317
A. A. Bajina, V. P. Gnatiuk, A. K. Brel, A. A. Ozerov
Кафедра фармацевтической и токсикологической химии ВолГМУ
Physical properties and chemical composition of two Russian and six foreign multifunctional soft contact lenses care solutions have been studied. The optimal composition of the new care solution contains taurine and polyhydroxyethyl cellulose together with buffer, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), sodium chloride and antiseptic agent.
soft contact lenses, care solution, taurine
Озеров Александр Александрович – д.х.н., профессор, зав.кафедрой фармацевтической и токсикологической химии, ozerov@vlink.ru