Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 612.82


V.A. Semiletova, E.V. Dorokhov, M.S. Nechaeva

ФГБОУ ВО «Воронежский государственный медицинский университет им. Н.Н. Бурденко» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, кафедра нормальной физиологии


It was revealed that in a state of functional rest with open and closed eyes in patients after exposure to electronegative air ions, the voltage in the central nervous system decreased. At the same time, the amplitude of theta rhythm with the state of «open eyes» tended to decrease both on the right and on the left in the parietal, temporal (T5 and T6), frontal (F8, F7) leads, but in leads T3 and T4, F3 and F4 – to increase; and in the central and occipital areas, the dynamics of the theta rhythm amplitude was multidirectional. The amplitude of theta rhythm with the «closed eyes» state had interhemispheric differences – a tendency to increase in leads O1, P3, C3, F3, T3. The amplitude of the alpha rhythm in the «open eyes» state increased both on the right and on the left in all the studied leads. The amplitude of the alpha rhythm with the «closed eyes» state had a tendency to increase in all the studied leads. The amplitude of the beta rhythm with the state of «open eyes» tended to increase in the occipital and temporal (T3, T4) areas; in the parietal leads P3 and P4 – had a tendency to decrease; and practically did not change in the central and frontal areas. The amplitude of the beta rhythm with the «closed eyes» state had a tendency to increase in almost all leads. Such changes could reflect effective rest, the readiness of patients for vigorous activity, testify to the restoration of the efficiency and mental activity of the brain. It could also be associated with a decrease in tension in the regulatory systems under the influence of a session of speleotherapy, with simultaneous active mental activity, analysis of the situation and decision-making.


speleoclimatotherapy, electroencephalogram, rhythm, EEG.


Семилетова Вера Алексеевна – к. б. н., доцент кафедры нормальной физиологии, Воронежский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: