UDK: 615.017:6
K.D. Fedulova1, H.V. Izmozherova1, A.Yu. Petrov2, I.V. Gavrilov3, N.V. Slovesnova2
ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский государственный медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, 1кафедра фармакологии и клинической фармакологии, 2кафедра фармации и химии, 3кафедра биохимии
The aim of this study was to asses hepatoxicity of riamilovir with repeated administration on the animal model. Materials and methods. Twenty non-linear guinea pigs were randomized into 4 groups: control and three experimental, receiving 64 days of daily riamilovir orally in doses of 48, 96, 144 mg/kg. Biochemical profile: ALT, AST, GGT, total protein, total and direct bilirubins, albumin, cholesterol, triglycerides: on 0, 33 and 65 days from the start of the experiment. Results. A significant decrease of serum albumin and cholesterol levels was found only in group 2 and there were no statistically significant changes of other indicators. Conclusion. The data obtained indicate afunctional liver synthetic function changes without signs of hepatobiliary and hepatocellular damage.
hepatotoxicity, preclinical study, riamilovir.
Федулова Ксения Дмитриевна – ассистент кафедры фармакологии и клинической фармакологии, Уральский государственный медицинский университет, г. Екатеринбург, e-mail: fedulova.k.d@gmail.com