UDK: (616-091+616.9):61:311
O.N. Antoshkin, T.V. Vorotnikova
ФГБУ «Клиническая больница» Управления делами Президента Российской Федерации
Based on the data of 40 pathological studies of patients with coronavirus infection COVID-19, an analysis of comorbidities, complications and causes of death was carried out. It was determined that the combination of COVID-19 coronavirus infection with a comorbid condition is more frequent. Coronavirus infection with atherosclerotic heart disease and coronavirus infection with diabetes mellitus are the most common combinations that significantly increase the risk of adverse outcomes. Most often, coronavirus infection is complicated by the development of bacterial pneumonia, membranous glomerulopathy and myocarditis. Acute respiratory distress syndrome and sepsis in the overwhelming majority of cases were the causes of death of patients.
coronavirus infection COVID-19, comorbid conditions, mortality.
Антошкин Олег Николаевич – врач-патологоанатом, и. о. заведующего патологоанатомическим отделением ФГБУ «Клиническая больница» Управления делами Президента Российской Федерации, e-mail: olegantoshkin@bk.ru