UDK: 612.17+612.79:615.834
Vera A. Semiletova 1 , Evgeny V. Dorokhov 2
1, 2 Воронежский государственный медицинский университет имени Н.Н. Бурденко, Воронеж, Россия
Changes in the state of the body's regulatory systems by the parameters of cutaneous conductivity and heart rate variability in a healthy adult under the influence of speleoclimatotherapy have been studied. It was revealed that the change in the activity of the body's regulatory systems in terms of the parameters of cutaneous conductivity and heart rate variability in an adult healthy person under the influence of speleoclimatotherapy depends on the sex of the subjects. In girls and boys, different mechanisms of the response of the regulatory systems of the body to the action of air ions are observed. At the same time, in both boys and girls, the central mechanisms of regulation do not participate in response to the speleoclimatic effect, the mechanism of action is determined by the work of internal physiological systems (intrasystem mechanisms) and the autonomic nervous system.
speleocamera, speleoclimatotherapy, regulatory system, skin conduction, cardiac rhythm, tension