UDK: 616.31+616.831-009.11-031.4
Yu.A. Makedonova, A.A. Vorobyev, D.Yu. Dyachenko, A.V. Alexandrov, M.V. Kabytova
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, Россия
Spasticity of the masticatory muscles in patients with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) is noted in 60 % of cases. Due to the limited opening of the mouth, it is often very difficult for a dentist to perform manipulations in the oral cavity. First of all, it is necessary to correct the muscle tone of the chewing muscles, which is the key to the success of a full-fledged dental treatment. This article proves the effectiveness of the combined effect on the spasticity of the masticatory muscles in a patient with cerebral palsy on the example of a clinical and after 3 months are described. Correction of muscle hypertonicity was carried out by performing a complex of adaptive myohymnastics in combination with a pneumatic trainer after injections of abobotulotoxin type A. The first experience of combined effects on the spasticity of the masticatory muscles in a patient with cerebral palsy indicates the prospects for further development and implementation of this technique.case. The dental status, the state of the chewing muscles before the treatment
hypertonus, masticatory muscles, botulinum therapy, myohymnastics, pneumotenager
Александр Александрович Воробьев, cos@volgmed.ru