UDK: 616.31-007.272
V.B. Barkanov, A.A. Kinash, A.I. Kraushkin, V.V. Civic
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, Россия
The article includes a review of scientific literature sources over the past 10 years on the topic: Soma-totypological features of the craniofacial complex and oral biocenosis in adolescents. The significant variability of the available individual parameters of the parameters of the cerebral and facial parts of the skull in different ethnic groups are qualified by the authors as convincing prerequisites for the need to develop this problem.
somatotype, anthropometry, cephalometry, сraniometry
Владимир Владимирович Сивик, sivikvolgmu@mail.ru