UDK: 612.812: 57.041
A.B. Mulik 1 , 2, V.V. Yusupov 1, N.O.Nazarov 3, I.V. Ulesikova 1, S.F. Popov 4, Yu.A. Shatyr 5
1 Военно-медицинская академия имени С. М. Кирова, Санкт-Петербург, Россия 2 Научно-клинический центр токсикологии имени С.Н. Голикова, Санкт-Петербург, Россия 3 Филиал ООО «КДЛ-ДОМОДЕДОВО-ТЕСТ» «КДЛ Волгоград», Волгоград, Россия 4 Волгоградский государств
The aim of the work was to determine the relationship between indicators of psychophysical maladjustment, individual functional status and consumption of psychoactive substances among students. The study involved 137 students of state universities in Arkhangelsk. Identification of the experience of using psychoactive substances was carried out using questionnaire and blank methods of retrospective self-assessment of the study participants. Determination of psychophysical maladaptation was carried out on the basis of a combination of psychological and psychosomatic symptoms of stress reactions and anxiety-depressive disorders. Stress resistance was assessed by analyzing the level of general nonspecific reactivity of the organism. The psychological status was determined by a combination of indicators of accentuations and personality traits that characterize the temperament and character of the individual. It was revealed that the regular use of alcohol (2 times a week or more) among students, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is associated with psychophysical maladjustment against the background of low human stress resistance. The level of smoking and samples of narcotic substances among students are positively, linearly related to the frequency of alcohol consumption. The psychological conditionality of the formation of anxiety-depressive and acute stress disorders simultaneously provokes the demand for psychoactive substances. A comprehensive assessment of the functional and psychological indicators of predisposition to psychophysical maladjustment can provide a prediction of the risk of chemical addiction formation among students.
psychoactive substances, psychophysical maladaptation, functional status, level of general nonspecific reactivity of the organism
Александр Борисович Мулик, mulikab@mail.ru