UDK: 616.314-089.23
V. . Yagupova, T.D. Dmitrienko, P.P. Yagupov, Z.K. Osmanova, Yu.P. Predbannikova, V.E. Dolgov
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, Россия
Retinated wisdom teeth, especially on the lower jaw, are still the subject of discussion by most specialists and, especially, orthodontists. The aim of the work was to determine the indications for orthodontic treatment of semi-trained wisdom teeth on the lower jaw and to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken. 12 people with semi-trained wisdom teeth on the lower jaw were examined and treated. The diagnosis of the position of the teeth was evaluated according to the ortho-pantomogram, on which the lines were applied, and the stress axis was determined, which is a guideline for choosing a treatment method. In this method, tangent lines were drawn to the branch and the body of the lower jaw, which formed an angle at the intersection. The bisector of this angle served as the boundary between the branch and the body of the jaw (stress-axis). The indication for orthodontic treatment was the location of the wisdom tooth in front of the stress axis. In this case, the conditional median vertical of the wisdom tooth, as a rule, intersected with the tangent line to the body of the lower jaw in front of the mandibular angle, regardless of its size.
dental arch, bite of permanent teeth, wisdom teeth, retention of teeth, orthopantomography
Виолета Телмановна Ягупова, violeta.yagupova@mail.ru