UDK: 616.31-006.2+616-08-031.84
Yu.V. Efimov , E.V. Fomichev, G.L. Snigur, P.V. Kireev, E.V. Efimova
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, Россия
The study of the processes of reparative osteogenesis in the area of postoperative defects of the jaws was carried out. It is shown that osteogenesis is most active in the wall mounted region of the defect. The high efficiency of the osteoplastic material Bio Ost (local origin) in the surgical treatment of the peri-apical cysts of the jaws was indicated.
defects of the jaws, reparative osteogenesis, osteoplastic materials, Bio Ost
Евгений Валентинович Фомичёв, f3vstom@yandex.ru