UDK: 612.884
A.Yu. Subbotina, A.S. Martyusheva, A.Yu. Abramova, A.Yu. Kozlov, E.V. Nikenina, O.V. Sergienko, S.S. Pertsov
Научно-исследовательский институт нормальной физиологии имени П.К. Анохина, Москва, Россия
A change of pain sensitivity in rats of different sex and age (21st day, suckling period; 30th day, infantile period; and 60th day, juvenile period) was studied after prenatal stress of forced swimming in cold water. The perceptual component of nociception in prenatally stressed animals was shown to decrease on the 60th day of life compared to that in 21-day-old specimens. Importantly, the intensity of pain perception in juvenile rats subjected to intrauterine stress was smaller than control specimens. After prenatal stress, the emotional component of nociception in juvenile males and females was lower than in younger specimens. Therefore, prenatal stress is accompanied by a decrease in the perceptual and emotional components of nociception during the juvenile period, but not at the earlier stages of postembryonic development. The observed fluctuations in the degree of perception of the pain stimulus in male animals are slightly greater than those in females.
rats, prenatal stress, nociception, gender characteristics, periods of postnatal ontogeny
Анастасия Юрьевна Субботина, rat-stress@mail.ru