UDK: 616.13:616.12-008.46+616.24
Mikhail E. Statsenko, Yuliya E. Lopushkova
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, Россия
The study demonstrates the clinical significance of evaluation arterial stiffness in association between level of oxygen saturation, indicators of respiratory function and left ventricular ejection fraction. An increase in the stiffness of the main arterial arteries and a higher activity of low-intensity chronic inflammation were reliably identified in patients with with chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in comparison with patients with isolated chronic heart failure. Statistically significant correlations were revealed between arterial stiffness and the level of oxygen saturation, left ventricular ejection fraction. Multiple regression analysis found a significant contribution of the main factors to arterial stiffness in patients with chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was established. These were the following factors – level of oxygen saturation, left ventricular ejection fraction and Tiffno's index.
arterial stiffness, inflammation, hypoxia