UDK: 616.718.4-089.28
I.V. Volodin 1,2, D.A. Malanin 1,2, I.A. Suchilin 1,2, M.V. Demeshchenko 1,2, A.L. Zhulikov 1
1Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, Россия 2Волгоградский научный медицинский центр, Волгоград, Россия
Injury of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) remains the most common cause leading to limited knee function and earlier development of gonarthrosis. The results of ACL repair in male and female patients remain heterogeneous. Women have worse results of surgical treatment, as well as higher risks of ACL injuries (from 1,5 to 10 times) when playing sports. It is assumed that the features of the anatomical structure of the knee play the key role in this joint. We have studied 40 unpaired anatomical preparations of the human knee joint obtained from women and men.The morphometry of the distal femoral epiphysis was performed using a digital sliding caliper according to 16 parameters. When examining the areas of femoral ACL attachment, their shape, size, area, and center distance from individual bone structures were assessed. The data obtained were correlated with the type of structure of the knee joint. Were studied the anatomical features characteristic of the "female" type of structure of the knee joint. It was found that the type of structure of the knee joint affects the topography of the femoral attachment area of the ACL, which must be taken into account in anatomical ligament reconstruction.
knee joint, gender anatomy, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Илья Владимирович Володин, volodin_ili@mail.ru