UDK: 616.33/.34-056.527-089
V.A. Golub, O.A. Kosivtsov, A.E. Bublikov, V.A. Ievlev
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоград, Россия
Bariatric surgery is the main method of treating obesity and associated pathological conditions despite a large number of complications, relapses of obesity, side effects, lifelong monitoring and taking various medications that correct emerging metabolic disorders. The article analyzes the results of modern bariatric operations, considers an alternative view of the causes of obesity and possible solutions to this chronic progressive disease.
bariatric surgery, complications, relapses of obesity, causes of metabolic disorders
Владимир Алексеевич Голуб, golubva@mail.ru