Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 616.248-084.835.5-053.32

Inhalation antiasthmatic drugs for prevention of bronchial asthma development in risk group children

Belan E.B.

Кафедра клинической фармакологии ВолГМУ


The general allergic background in all groups initially had elevated serum IgE and low interferon in relation to IL-4 which according to some earlier findings, is associated with the risk of bronchial asthma development. An FP therapy resuppression of IL-4 (p<0.05) and in lower leveles of general IgE (p<0.05); in the CN-receiving group these changes appeared as a tendency in the control group no dynamics was noted. In both groups on a preventive regimen the rate of ARD was lower, supposedly due to suppression of expression of molecules of adhesion by glucocorticoids. No unfavourable effects were noted in either group.



Белан Элеонора Борисовна – д.м.н., доцент кафедры иммунологии и аллергологии ВолГМУ,