UDK: 616.6-053.2-076.5-77.1
Khvorostov I.N., Zorkin S.N., Smirnov I.E.
НИИ педиатрии Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН, г. Москва
1. Increased TFR-β1 production in blood plasma of patients with obvtructive uropathy is an indicator of fibrogenetic activity. 2. FNO-α production is elevated upon exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis. 3. Increased FNO-α excretion and decreased IL-10 excretion with urine is an indicator of nephrosclerosis in reflux nephropathy. 4. Irogressing nephrosclerosis with transformation to HPN is accompanied by decreased TFR-β1 concentration in blood plasma. 5. Variations of the inflammatory index in the dynamics of disease underlie the processes of renal parenchyma lesions in children with obstructive uropathy.
Хворостов Игорь Николаевич – к.м.н., Отделение урологии Научного центра здоровья детей РАМН, nczd@comintern.ru