Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 616.12 – 009.72-616.13

Tension angina pectoris and elastic properties of main arteries

Ilukhin O.V., Kalganova E.L., Lopatin Yu.M.

Кафедра Кардиологии с функциональной диагностикой ФУВ ВолГМУ, Волгоградский областной кардиологический центр


In the paper elastic properties and reactivity of the main arteries in patients with stable angina are investigated. 60 patients with ischemic heart disease were examined on the basis of clinical findings and the results of coronary angiography. The elasticity and reactivity of arteries was estimated according to the values of pulse wave velocity (PWV) with the help of Colson computer system. The investigation revealed that in patients with ischemic heart disease there is reliable direct dependence between the extent of coronary arteries anomalies and the parameters of PWV on elastic arteries. The defect of reactivity of the main arteries indirectly indicating the presence of endothelial dysfunctions has a significant negative correlation dependence on the degree of stable angina (r = –0,35; P < 0,05).



Илюхин Олег Владимирович – к.м.н., ассистент кардиологии ФУВ с курсами функциональной и лучевой диагностики, кардиохирургии и клинической лабораторной диагностики ФУВ ВолГМУ,